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Answered Under
30 Seconds
First Ticket Touches
Fully Resolved
Customer Satisfactory
Resolution Rate
We resolve over 60% of all digital signage problems before our customers ever call us.
One of the biggest challenges with digital signage is supporting hundreds, or thousands of screens distributed throughout a region or the country.
You can't always watch your screens. Problems can occur when no one from your company is there to see it; but your customers are. Edge Device Monitoring (EDM) is a service that allows us to monitor dozens of conditions on your network including connection, power, images and files, tampering, and more. Almost two-thirds of all problems will be corrected before you call us.
We will be available on your schedule, even holidays. At some point, you or your customers will need to call for support. When they do, you need to know who they can call.
We provide digital signage support for some of the largest, most recognized brands in the world. You’ve dined in their restaurants, bought your groceries at their stores, and are more likely to be wearing their fashions than any other brand. In fact, odds are you have walked past networks we support multiple times this week or month.
Top Gun can manage the entire network installation process. We have installed, provisioned, and made operational over 600 locations and over 1800 screens in a single month with our various partners.
From site surveys to planning and completing the installation to complete project management; our team of experts will get you up and running.
We take care of on-site repairs and replacement, fast. With enough time, hardware problems arise. When they do, no matter where the problem happens, we can send out a truck with a technician and replacement parts, typically within 24 hours of notification.
Our network of technicians repair or replace hardware with a first-call resolution rate of over 50%. We can also offer Hot Swap Inventory Management. We will house and manage your inventory of equipment for repairs and replacement.
We are Content Management System (CMS) agnostic. We work with many of the major CMS providers: Scala, Dynasign, Broadsign, ParkMedia. If you run on it, we can support it.
Our staff is very knowledgeable with many of the content management systems that are available in the digital signage solution market today. If your in need of a content management system we can be your trusted adviser and help you build and implement a solution that works best for your needs.
When you need it, we can help with the creation of your content. We have worked with graphic designers, animators and developers to create all kinds of interactive eye catching creative content.
Many companies have their own creative team or marketing department to maintain control of their content and schedule. Others create content and messaging for their clients. Our team can help you get your content into your Content Management System and make it ‘signage ready’.
Prior to our visit to Top Gun, how we were going to continue digital signage support was unclear. When we left the Top Gun Network Operations Center that afternoon it was clear they are the only choice!
What Top Gun Digital Signage Support has done for us in the last nine months is superhuman! Your support is superior to anything we have experienced in the past.